The Health & Wellbeing Day includes a programme of free talks, presentations and demos throughout the day.

You can pop along to any talk and join in if seats are available. However, to make sure of a place, you can also pre-book seats at your chosen sessions by using the form on this page.

Note: To reserve seats at a talk(s) you must first have purchased admission tickets for the event, which can be done by clicking the ‘buy tickets’ button below.

[10.00 am] How to Look After Your Skin in the Winter Months

Joanne Thompson (Skinn Therapy)

Winter is a harsh season on your skin. During this session, Joanne will explain how to create ultimate skin health throughout the winter.

She will explain a basic skin routine and what to add to your routine during the winter. The presentation will include information on skin condition dehydration, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne and sensitivity.

Joanne treats the skin on a 360 degree approach, so expect everything from what we put into our body, what we apply onto the skin and the environment our skin lives in.

Q & A session at the end of presentation.

[10.00 am] Better Sleep for All The Family

Stephanie Donaldson (Out For The Count)

In this talk, Stephanie will be discussing the importance of sleep for good physical and emotional wellbeing.

The effects of lack of sleep, particularly on new parents, can take its toll and Stephanie will be providing tips and strategies on how to achieve better sleep for ourselves and our children in order to promote a well-rested family.

[11.00 am] Tapping Into Success

Shauna Corr (Tapping Into Success)

Shauna Corr is an EFT Practitioner and High Performance Coach who works with clients on a 1-1 and group basis to help them uncover what's holding them back (e.g. anxiety, stress, limiting beliefs, low self-confidence) and, using EFT / Tapping, she helps them clear those blocks so that they can live the life they really desire.

In this session, Shauna will give an overview as to how stress can affect so many areas of our lives - and she will explain the benefits of this clinically proven tool for reducing stress, boosting well-being and increasing confidence.

Shauna will take questions at the end of the presentation.

[11.00 am] Public Access Defibrillators: How You Can Contribute to the Health and Wellbeing of Your Local Community

Mark Bailie (MKB Medical)

Volunteering with others on a project to benefit your local community can bring positive outcomes for the health and wellbeing of the individuals involved.

In this presentation, Mark Bailie will outline the huge need for public access defibrillators (PADs) across Northern Ireland - and how we can take action which may save lives in our community.

Mark will address:

  • The life-saving benefits of having PADs available in your community.

  • How we can take action to have PADs installed in our locality.

  • The support available from MKB Medical.

There will be a Q+A session at the end of this presentation.

[11.00 am] An Introduction to Meditation

Chandra Mauli

Time to switch off, unplug and relax. A session discovering and exploring the practice of meditation.

Meditation is the practice by which there is constant observation of the mind. A practice of meditation increases our awareness of what is happening inside us, increasing our capacity to cope with changes that life presents.

The practices learnt in the session are derived from the ancient system of Yoga. Meditation is approached using tools such as sitting without movement, breath awareness and other means to still the body and mind.

[12.00 noon] Reactive vs. Proactive Wellness - The Health and Wellness Paradigms!

Dr. Shaji Chacko: Acute Physician | Clinical Advisor | Founder - Jora Health

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. Often, we find people seeking wellness initiatives reacting to an adverse disease, injury, condition, or symptom. In this talk, Dr. Shaji Chacko discusses proactive vs. reactive wellness, the why, the how and what.

His presentation includes.

• How Jora Health through its proactive health and wellness programme is helping people adopt a proactive wellness culture.

• The value of a wellness coach.

• Measuring wellness.

[12.00 noon] Tending To Your Mental Health In Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

Nicole Schlögel (Essentially Birth)

Perinatal mental health impacts the entire family and it is often directly linked to how birth is experienced by the woman herself and by her partner.

Currently, as many as a third of women describe their birth experience as traumatic. The lived experiences of women range from feeling that they didn’t have enough support, not enough pain relief or they felt pressured into making decisions they would not make in hindsight, had they had all the information at hand.

1 in 5 mums will develop post-natal depression.

1 in 10 dads will develop post-natal depression.

This talk explores ways in which you and your birth partner can prepare your body and mind for birth and early parenting. We explore how you can nurture yourself towards emotional resilience and how you can gather the knowledge you need in order to pre-empt most of the decisions you will most likely be asked to make in labour and birth. We explore the role of the birth partner as an advocate and we discuss how you can prepare for early parenting as a couple.

Nicole has a BSc in Midwifery and was a practising NHS midwife for 18 years. She now runs Essentially Birth, a holistic pregnancy, birth and postpartum clinic. Nicole is the author of ‘7 Secrets Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Hear Before Giving Birth’ introducing her R.O.A.D. To Birth Hypnobirth method. Grab a signed copy at the talk.

[12.00 noon] Navigating Menopause: Embracing Change and Empowering Women

Fiona Scullion (Eunoia NI)

This talk on menopause aims to raise awareness on this significant phase of a woman's life and its impact on physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Fiona will explore the common symptoms experienced by women, and the importance of understanding and destigmatizing this natural transition. By fostering open dialogue and providing support, we can empower women to embrace the changes that come with menopause and to lead fulfilling lives during this transformative period.

Fiona is a Licensee and Menopause Champion with Menopause Experts Group, providing one-to-one and group support to women, as well as providing training, support and information to employers to enable managers to support women affected by menopause in the workplace. Fiona is also a qualified Life & Executive Coach and a Mental Health & Wellbeing Coach as well as a Mental Health & Wellbeing trainer and facilitator.

[1.30 pm] Breathe Better with Salt Therapy

Sylvia Darragh (Salt Therapy NI)

People are exposed to pollutants, airborne diseases, bacteria, allergens and other irritants on a daily basis. In addition, since the Covid pandemic we have all become more aware of the need to take care of our respiratory system to ensure our lung capacity is at its best to fight off infections.

Salt Therapy, otherwise known as Halotherapy, is a natural and drug-free respiratory treatment. It is a method to cleanse and detox the lungs and invigorate the body with increased lung capacity and oxygen intake.

Salt Therapy is totally safe for all ages including babies and pregnant women.

Salt Therapy can be used to treat all respiratory and skin conditions such as:

  • Asthma

  • COPD

  • Bronchitis

  • Chest Infection

  • Hay Fever

  • Sinusitis

  • Psoriasis

  • Eczema

During treatment, pure grade pharmaceutical salt is ground down to a very precise particle size and blown into the room where you just sit and relax and breathe normally.

The benefits you can expect from regular salt therapy sessions are:

  • Improved lung function

  • Increased oxygen levels

  • Boosted immune system

  • Clear sinuses

  • Improved skin condition

  • Better sleep

[1.30 pm] Kintsugi Healing: Strong at the Broken Places Releasing Long-Term Chronic Stress and Trauma

Michelle McMaster, Trauma Recovery Consultant (MRes; BSc (Hons); MBASW; CCTP)

Kintsugi Healing is inspired by the beautiful Japanese Art of repairing precious broken pottery with gold. The principles and process of Kintsugi provides a powerful metaphor for approaching the human journey of recovery after deep hurt and pain.

This talk will introduce you to some practical and effective physiological exercises that can help us release the impact of long-term chronic stress or trauma from our bodies. Modern research has demonstrated how we can reduce or overcome the impact of negative experiences in our lives by understanding how our nervous systems store our history, and how communication between body and brain can be improved to help us feel more confident and engaged with life again.

Michelle has decades of experience helping people of all ages recover after some of the most challenging situations, and uses her training in somatic healing, applied neuroscience and psychological based therapies to offer a patient, skilful and effective method for promoting compassionate healing and lasting change.

[1.30 pm] Vocus Vit Activewear Catwalk

Sarah-Jane Murray (Vocus Vit)

Join us for a captivating showcase as Vocus Vit founder Sarah-Jane takes the stage with some beautiful women for a catwalk presentation, unveiling the versatility and style of Vocus Vit activewear. From workouts to everyday adventures, our pieces empower you to conquer both your fitness goals and your fashion aspirations. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of empowerment and sustainability.

Vocus Vit is a dynamic and innovative brand that specialises in sustainable activewear. We're passionate about crafting eco-friendly, stylish, and high-performance activewear that empowers women to lead active and conscious lifestyles. Our mission is to bridge the gap between fashion and sustainability, offering a range of thoughtfully designed pieces that not only elevate your fitness routine but also align with your values. From leggings to sports bras and beyond, Vocus Vit is committed to making a positive impact on both your well-being and the planet.

[2.30 pm] Changing Your Mindset

Sam Barr (Healthy Mind Coaching)

A ‘positive change mindset’ is a way of thinking that focuses on growth, learning, and improvement. It involves adopting a positive attitude towards change and challenges and seeing them as opportunities for growth and development. People with a positive change mindset are open to new ideas, willing to embrace the process of learning, developing and evolving.

Some characteristics of a positive change mindset include:

Embracing Challenges: Instead of avoiding challenges, people with a positive change mindset embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Building Resilience: People with a positive change mindset are resilient in the face of setbacks and obstacles. They view setbacks as temporary and as opportunities to learn and improve.

Flexibility: People with a positive change mindset are flexible and adaptable. They are willing to try new things and are open to different perspectives.

Growth-Oriented: People with a positive change mindset are growth-oriented. They see learning as a lifelong process and are always looking for ways to improve themselves.

Positive Attitude: People with a positive change mindset have a positive attitude towards change. They believe that change can bring about positive outcomes and are open to exploring new possibilities.


[2.30 pm] Reminiscence Therapy

Jayne Faulkner

An introduction to Reminiscence Therapy.

Reminiscence therapy is used to counsel and support older people, and is an intervention technique with brain-injured patients and those who appear to have Alzheimer's and other forms of cognitive disease.

Further Talk details to come.

[2.30 pm] Menopause Workout

Catherine Martin (Women Gone Strong)

In just 20 minutes, participants will embark on a transformative journey using only a Mini Resistant Band and an exercise mat.

The first 5 minutes will be dedicated to a comprehensive warm-up, ensuring that all joints are properly primed for action. We'll then dive into a series of invigorating exercises, accompanied by uplifting music. These exercises, primarily utilizing the resistance band, will challenge muscles and promote strength across the entire body.

This workout is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. Most importantly, it emphasizes the crucial role of resistance training in navigating the menopausal journey, helping to fortify the body and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It promises to be a session of vitality, empowerment, and holistic well-being.

Talks last approx. 30 minutes



Please use this form to pre-book sessions.